Saturday, June 27, 2009

My Dress is Noise

Decortica gig, Galatos Basement. Taken 24/1/09.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mediterranean Coast

This painting has deviated from my usual style in two ways. Firstly, it is done in oil paints while I usually never touch the stuff (I had learned to use them however, so I wasn't working blind to the world of oils). Secondly, I usually don't paint with realistic colours, rather I usually opt for the nearly monochromatic palette for abstracted atmosphere.

Why did I break all my stylistic rules?

This was a gift to my sister, who has a strong sense of confusion with anything abstracted more than an impressionistic style. So we were walking down a gallery one day and we saw a painting similar to this one. She instantly took a liking to it and I also wanted to try out a different way of painting. To say the least, it was hard as my every movement bent toward the "freeness" that I obtain in my own style of expression. And I lacked painting medium for oils.

This was a fairly sized boxed canvas oil painting, and it went safely to my sister's home where it now sits somewhere on display.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Google Painting

Today I helped a friend paint something on a small canvas. It actually turned out pretty nice. I might explore this a bit more in the future, a sort of pop art inspired appropriation of corporate logos. It speaks.

The Google logo was a instant catch for my friend and I when we were searching for inspiration. Its taken over so many part of our life... maps, satellite imaging, the mighty search engine war... it has even become a part of common language ("just Google it") So this is like my homage to Google, I do believe it has made my life easier, Google images and books are permanent fixtures in the way I work.

I really don't think this one brings all that to the table. It's not that well painted either but its definitely the start of something.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My First Comment

So today I was updating the blog, finally, as promised. And I noticed a comment hidden away in the very first post that had been sitting on the internet for a minor eon.

The first comment to this blog goes to Flor, a fellow creative blogger, and to my disgrace it was from April! It was in Portugese so I couldn't read it, even with the help of Google Translator. Still it opened my eyes to a world of photos where I am illiterate, Flor's Blog. A pleasant surprise.

Desert Solstice

Every piece of art comes with a story - often it is this history that bestows an inherent value upon the work.

Desert Solstice is one of my earliest works that I enjoyed having sat on my desk for ages while I decided what to do with it. Eventually there was an art swap and it now belongs to Tony Brown.

And what did I receive to adorn my lonely wall? "The Carnival" a photo by Cathleen Tarawhiti. It is now a permanent fixture in my room and a constant source of inspiration.

An Update

This blog is quite... neglected by myself. But over the next few weeks, when I don't have a hectic schedule, I will be putting up various bits of my work in true blogging style. A collection of my works.

Creative Collision, my little project in another site, is coming into form. But what it really needs is the initial launch and then is the time to see where it flows. Hopefully I'll get a few more followers/subscribers, its so encouraging seeing support before there's even anything on the site!

Soon I will be exhibiting (a small modest half panel) at the Bruce Mason Centre. I'm very excited! However, the work that I need to put into it even for that small space is a little overwhelming. It really is a publicity thing - to get your name out there, or to catch someones artful eye. This is how some artists think and work.

As for myself, if there is interest I shall respond, but really, the joy is in the expression of painting itself. As I do not study art, I do not have dedicated reams of time going into it. It has taken the spot of a favourite hobby. The most advantageous thing about exhibiting in these limited space group events is that it keeps me at it and motivates me with a goal.