Friday, February 6, 2009

My Views on Creative Practice

It's a clunky phrase really. Creative practice - its the only way I've been able to describe the things which are a fundamental part of the world, yet is sometimes seen as exclusive or merely of something to spectate and seldom participate in.

Why do I not just call it 'art'? To me, 'art' is a word that implies mastery ("he's got it down to a fine art" "the art of science") and really, it is the doing, not the perfecting or perfection that I think is more important. Furthermore, doesn't 'art' cut out all of those gratifying creative activities such as dance, architecture and - how about we list the most widespread example - writing?

I like to celebrate creative practice, to experiment, merge and dwell on it. Immerse and emerge to see what is exciting. On a more art historian level - investigate, discover and analyse (fantastic blog on this side of things - I see it as multi-disciplinary, to think purist painting is impossible. Even the flattest surface has depth.

1 comment:

  1. Retribuindo a visita que um dia me fizeste...

    Apesar de outra lingua...

    Nunca desista de ter seu espaço

    Sua criatividade

    Pois não só em superfícies ha profundidade!

